Training Scheme Inaugural Minutes
The inaugural meeting of the training scheme was run under the auspices of County Hall. It was chaired and the minutes were produced by County Road Safety Officer John Wilmot who soon became a close friend and club member.

Dear Instructor,
Please find enolosed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 18th February 1976 and the list of registered instructors.
Yours faithfully,
Senior Road Safety Officer
Present |
A.J.Wilmot - Senior Road Safety Officer Maurice Belben - Area Road Safety Officer Seven members of the Phoenix Motorcycle Club A number of apologies were received. |
Outline |
The Senior Road Safety Officer briefly outlined the scheme and the general running arrangements of the other 5 centres and outlined the costs as follows. Expenses to be met by LCC.
Expenses to be met OUT OF FEE from pupil
Reported |
Full consultation had taken place with all interested parties and that full approval had been given from
Agreed |
Questions | A number of questions were then answered relating to the general running of the centre | ||||||||||
Close | There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.30pm |
Temporary Organisers
John Wilmot (Senior Road Safety Officer
Maurice Belben (Area Road Safety Officer
Pete Vines (Chief Instructor)
Brian Porter (Deputy Chief Instructor)
Dave Smith (Maintenance Instructor)
Steve Brown
Phil Freestone
Steve White
Richard Taylor
Bob Nash
Tony Bradley
Les Freestone
Terry Reynolds
Ben Crossley
Mr Medland
R.A.C. A.C.U.
Motor Cycle Training Scheme.
Training Syllabus.
Period 1 |
General Introduction, Enrolment and Administration Introduction to training scheme and instructors. |
Period 2 |
Maintenance - engine - 2 and 1+ stroke. |
Period 3 |
Maintenance - lubrication, 2 and 1+ stroke, general principles and routine. |
Period 4 |
Maintenance - ignition, elementary electrics. |
Period 5 |
Roadoraft theory. - |
Period 6 |
Roadcraft - theory. Hazards procedure. |
Period 7 |
Maintenance - transmission - m/c parts. |
Period 8 |
Maintenance transmission - clutch - gearbox - use of gears. |
Period 9 |
Maintenance - lighting. Various systems - care and service - spares. |
Period 10 |
Maintenance - general advice - revision. Tools - maintenance servicing. |
Period 11 |
The Law - Road Traffic Act - insurance documents etc., procedure in the event of an accident. |
Period 12 |
Complete revision and further practice of all previous periods of training, further experience of riding in varying traffic conditions. |
This training syllabus is designed to enable pupile attending the course to follow the periods of instruction, to act as a reminder of lessons to come and an aid memo for revision on theory lessons.
Various factors might affect the order in which the lessons are conducted it is therefore suggested that pupils mark their own syllabus when a period of training has been completed.

Introduction Night
The documents section of card to be filled in with expiry date of the documents. Otherwise cards to be filled in as thought appropriate.
Check pupil's eyesight, check helmet, clothing (i.e. jacket, gloves, eye protection and preferably boots).
Machine: check brakes and cables, tyres, bearings, lights, explain to pupils chain adjustment and oil levels (checking each). Advise on any problems. General chat with pupils about previous riding experience making notes on reverse of card.
Slow Riding
Insist on rearward observation. Before allowing pupil to begin, explain the art of stopping.
Cattle Trucks
Warn pupils to hang back if in doubt.
Notes for Instructors
Turning signals: where indicators are fitted they must be used at times in conjunction with arm signals. Explain use of arm signals for extra clarity, but use of indicators at all times when hands are needed for controls, particularly useful when making a right turn.
Rear observation: the use of mirrors is recommended only in conjunction with physical turning the head to the right.
Road positioning: Pupils should be encouraged to ride in the centre of his carriageway if his machine is proceeding at the same speed as the traffic. Should his machine not be able to maintain traffic speed, he should keep closer to the gutter but avoiding the need to swerve out round drains etc.
For the first few weeks teach in car park: slow riding, gradient start, figures of eight. manoeuvre round bollards, hand signals. When satisfied with pupils capabilities, take around left hand course. N.B. Riding order, Instructor, Pupil, Pupil, Instructor.
Left Hand Course
Right out of cattle market, left at Aylestone Road, left at Saffron Lane, left at Knighton Lane East (Park), left at Welford Road island, left at Aylestone Road, left to cattle market.
When pupil has mastered left hand course, take him round test course. Riding order, Instructor, Pupil, Pupil, Instructor.
Test Course
Down to traffic lights, straight on down Rawdikes Road, follow to Walnut Street, Turn right, turn left at New Bridge Street, turn right Jarrom Street, turn left Oxford Street,(into right hand lane as soon as possible) up Newark Street, turn right Welford Road (3rd. lane from right) turn right at Knighton Lane East (island), turn right at Saffron Lane (particular care), turn right at Welford Road, turn right Freemans Common Lane.