GPO Rally
6th October 1989 - Barrel Bikers Bucks MCC
The Plan and Intro I'm not going to tell you what GPO stands for. If you don't know ask a Barrel Biker. You can recognise a Barrel Biker by the harassed and or paralytic appearance. You won't find out from them either unless you ask another question first. "What do you want to drink?" or in the the case of Steve, "Would you like a cheeseburger?" Welcome to the 9th GPO rally. This is THE PLAN. What do you mean? Are we going to keep it? hahahahaha! Friday 8.30pm Rock disco fires up. Saturday 12noon Run to a local pub in a roundabout sort of way 3:30pm Games: Tug-o-war (male and female), musical bikes, throwing (male and female), you know the sort of thing... Disco in evening and at 9pm Wacky Baccy Boogie Band starts 10pm Miss Rally, Mr Rally etc... 10:50pm more from the band. Sunday 10am Presentation of awards. Catering Times Friday 6:30pm to 12:30am, Saturday 8am to 10:30am, 11:30am to 4pm, 6pm to 12am. Sunday 8am to 10:30am. These times vary according to demand. Sorry but only the main bonfire on site. There's an emergency phone and first aid kit at the control tent.
Hover over the comic to see more. Click it to turn the page.
On arrival at the 9th GPO Rally we were presented with another hand-produced multi-page comic, that we have come to expect at a BBBMCC rally, in place of a single, usually last-minute, type-written sheet.
As this is not too far for me, I managed to turn up before they had finished setting up, so spent time relaxing in my tent and chatting to other people I hadn't seen since last year.
When the party started, things were pretty much up to standard, and a couple of old friends showed they were pleased to see me. Much frolicking and larks were in evidence, and one guy, I think from the Bedford Eagles MCC, performed his party piece by threading a, (hopefully unused), condom up his nose and out of his mouth, then pulling it to and fro like a piece of nasal floss.
On Saturday therep was, as usual, a run out to two of the things Milton Keynes is famous for, The Concrete Cows, currently painted in a traditional cow-like appearance, (often repainted by locals in garish colours), and the shopping centre, which is right in the centre of the town. There was some sort of publishing or Ordnance Survey display in the main area, where a curious, and possibly road-legal, vehicle sat.
Back at the site the silly games were, as usual, quite silly, and included a back-to-back ski race, which always looks quite painful.
Awhile later the party started again, and people boogied to the music and drank a probably unwise amount of alcohol. There are also evening games, mostly consisting of eating and/or drinking noxious substances, and these are usually followed by Rally Virgin initiations and, in this club, the rally sec usually gets covered as well.
Then the music starts again, as does the food and beer consumption. The condom guy was only inflating a few by now, instead of stuffing them up his nose, and one or two were bouncing around the marquee for a while, but they deflated before most of us did.
This did eventually some to an end, as such things do, at some obscene time in the morning, not allowing people much recovery time before the trip home, which was in the sun, for a change at this time of year.
- Phil (the Spill) Drackley