Ding Dong Rally
30th August 1985 - Bell MCC
An intriguing badge design that, as an occasional reader of 'Easyriders' magazine, I recognised as depicting the character 'Miraculous Mutha', their 'Agony Aunt'. Anyway, the badge notwithstanding, everything else was what you might expect at a relaxed British Summer rally, (except it was warm).
Due to the weather and the long days, most of the people arrived on Friday, and were soon in the marquee for the music, beer, and larking about, including pole climbing.
One thing to remember in deepest Hertfordshire, is that you are never more than five miles from a featureless concrete commuter town. This was certainly true here, and I think the place was Potters' Bar, which was famous for absolutely nothing at the time. Some friends of mine were popping into the town to get supplies, in case the sources in the field ran out, so I popped along as well.
We got back before the games started, which included Human Pyramid Building, which usually reduces the number of people running around too much. Apparently somebody won, but I never worked out their scoring system, as several teams seemed to me to reach the same height. (I think there were restrictions in place due to overhead power/phone lines.) There was also Sack Racing, Barrel Rolling, the eating/drinking of various substances, and Tug-of-war.
The evening in the marquee followed the normal pattern with beer and music being consumed in the usual quantities.
Later, there was a wet/no T-shirt contest, that included one girl that had attended many such events and was rumoured to be a professional. Some boys also removed their clothing with more than usual zeal.
Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves well into the small hours.
- Phil (the Spill) Drackley
Here is a snap of participands from the year before (1984) from Phillip Cross. Click on a face and then name the character. Remember to click SEND.