Coypu Rally

17-19 Feb 1984

Paul Mullis and I went on the Beetroot with Dick Allen in the sidecar. Dick had a broken leg so it was the only way he was going to get there.

1984 Coypu Rally (this may have been Post-ultimate Coypu)
Heather MacGregor

It was in Essex somewhere... unfortunately the rear wheel bearing gave out on the way there and we had to be 'recovered' to the site.

Saturday was spent sorting it all out and I remember Ron Pauley being a great help in sourcing the bits.

Mayflower club's Last Coypu rally. A singsong featuring Roger Halfyard. In front of him is Dick Allen and Dot Tilley with Nick Sutton at their side.
Heather MacGregor

Trying to find a date or venue for this and I find that it was maybe not even 1984... and I've been up in a cold loft looking at diaries for long enough now!

- Heather MacGregor

Start of quotation The Last Coypu (which was the first) was held in 1978 and was located in Scole in Norfolk.

We had the use of the campsite just down the road and the Scole Inn gave us a room for the festivities.

The picture you have shows Roger Halfyard standing in one of the settees in the room, behind him is Julie, his wife, to the left is Tony Reynolds and I can see Phil Guy and one or two others we know. End of quotation

- Graham Butler