Big End
Friday Morning 2012
A few club embers turned out to help drink the coffee and play foot-loose.
Early arrivals were Hans and Pauline, Tjeerd and Linda straight from the ferry at Harwich.
Nigel immediately administered directions to the nearest pub.
Saturday Evening
After the warmest day of 2012, rallyists settle in for an evening of partying, recorded by Hans Veenendaal.
By 10.30 it was necessary for Nigel Woodthorpe to break out the emergency loo rolls. Put your mouse pointer over the photo below for the full picture.

Sunday Morning
Awards were presented and raffle drawn on Sunday morning.

Tim Statham took Overseas Long distance after a 740 mile journey from his home in Geneva.
Leicester Phoenix MCC members were on duty throughout the rally to see that everything ran smoothly.
Usual rally food, either ready made or cooked over a traditional primus.
Bikes of all shapes and sizes but all with interesting and well considered details.
Riders set off for home while the unusually warm weather lasted.
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