Arse In The Grass Rally

2nd April 1993 - Iceni MCC

Another weekend in the Youth Camp on Mersea Island. No issues with the high tide over the causeway this time, and all my club made it over with dry feet.

The badge was a surprise, (to me), as it was a simple black & white colour scheme but, as I knew from experience, multiple colours cost a lot, regardless of the size of each section.

Low-level fun was had on the Friday night, (i.e. not too many hangovers), which suited everybody.

On Saturday, I don't seem to have taken many photos of the games, which I'm sure were present, and as well-contested as they had been in the past. One of our girls had a tattoo. It might have been her first, I have no way of telling.

Later on, shortly after the party began, female friends of mine said hello in the time-honoured way, people were having earnest conversations about irrelevant subjects, made columns on beer can & bottles, and boogied away. The wet/no t-shirt competition seemed to have inspired my camera arm into action, even though there were only a few contestants, (made up for later with a couple of requested exposures), and the music, dancing and beer continued into the small hours.

I vaguely recall a fine day for a relaxing ride home on the Sunday or, at least, I don't recall having to don the wet-weather stuff.

- Phil (the Spill) Drackley

Start of quotation This my Badge from England: The Arse in the Grass, 1994.

I come from Belgium, Club Bic Cubic. End of quotation

- Michel Bregy aka Mitraillette