Rob Winnett
Update profile.

Rob used to be a Mild drinker. What happened when Speedy looked after Rob at the Pre-Elephant Rally?
Where did Rob lose his change?
Rob served on the committee as membership secretary and secretary in the 60s and 70s. He was membership secretary for the Fellowship of Riders before it became the single member section of the BMF.
After leaving the LPMCC Rob quit the signwriting he was well known for and became a civil engineering & construction estimator. Work has took him away from home on several occasions - he spent 3 years living down the road from Glentrool campsite, the LPMCC's Easter club camp location.
Rob is married to Sandy and they have 5 children, 2 girls, 3 boys, all now gone from bottled milk to bottled beer and left home apart from the youngest boy Craig who often pillions dad when he goes to a bike show.
Rob now lives in Glenfield where he is renovating a derelict bungalow.
He learnt to fly back in the 80s (aeroplanes, not throwing a Greeves up the road!) but doesn't get much air time these days due to cost. He is into property development, completed 3 houses so far.

Rob's current bike is a Honda PC800, sort of a cross between a small Goldwing and a Pan European.
Rob Winnett with Mick Ayriss, Bill Marshall and Terry Riddle on the Captain Cook Rally.