Editorial 5-1974
To avoid a repetition of the obvious I do not intend to open this issue of the Megaphone with my usual cheery line of "Well folks, here it is again". Instead I would wish all new members a happy Christmas and advise them that to have a happy new year they should pay up their membership subs to the membership secretary (Yes that's me, Dave Smith)
Those who do not pay should not be surprised if their new year is a continual harassment by myself to obtain money for the club.
The next paragraph of the editorial has recently had to be rewritten as I was intending to persuade Jane to type the Megaphone for us this issue in an attempt to combat the ever increasing number of mistakes. However, as a result of Dave Stocker's resignation from the committee and the club I hardly ever see her now and so I have once again had to reinstate my two fantastic typing fingers. Hopefully for next year we should have an alternate printer (I already have one offer of assistance)
Talk of next year reminds me that there will be the club's AGM soon (See calendar for details). At this meeting we elect the committee for the coming year and see how big a mess the retiring committee have made. Therefore may I ask everyone who has thoughts of doing the job on the committee to have a go.
Remember we all of us have to learn sometime and it is your club. John Tyers is the man to see if you fancy a crack at running the club and he'll give you an idea of what the various jobs involve.
Might I add as a personal to those who perhaps think that they are too new to the club to hold office on the committee? The third time I came down to the Phoenix I was put up as a candidate for secretary. Though I was sceptical at the time I had a go and found that within no time I was well known in the club and I really felt I belonged. So perhaps the moral of the tale is that if you really want to see what makes the club tick, have a go at a committee job and help the club as well.
After all that preaching you'll no doubt be happy to get on with this issue's articles, so to set the ball rolling here is part two of Dave Scriv's racing reminiscences:-
Dave Smith