The site depends on you for content. We are delighted to receive everything - criticism, memories of friends, scanned photos and badges, jokes for the Foz Spot, news of coming events. The Contact Centre is always on hand to jot down your notes. They can then be sent to through the web or using your email so that you can attach picture files. The Contact Centre can be displayed by pressing Alt-E or by clicking the option on the right-click context menu or by clicking the [Contact] link at the foot of the page or by clicking the grippy bar at the left edge of the page.
The comment forms on the site allow you to send a message anonymously if you prefer. Include your return address to receive a reply to your message. Otherwise we will reply to you via the Mail tab in Contact Centre.
We are pleased to accept information and pictures by email, letter, telephone or especially in person at one of our popular reunions.
The site sometimes features a questionnaire to encourage visitors to direct development of the site. You can fill in our questionnaires at any time or send your opinion, questions, suggestions and criticisms by other means.
Questionnaires are available here. Results are displayed on the website.
- Questionnaire about the website.
- Questionnaire about reunion meetings.
Every page has a star rating at the very bottom. Please click the number of stars that you think the page deserves and then send to guide the webmaster and other visitors regarding the value and quality of the page.
The site contains regularly refreshed News with information about the latest site content, past members making contact and future reunions. We send the same information out in an email newsletter that may also contain more confidential information.
Past members who do not have access to the Internet are sent an occasional digest of the website by surface post and there is a 'cascade' system to keep them informed about reunion plans by telephone.
In the words of a past club chairman - "You get out of it what you put into it!"