Gary Cox's Pix

Gary was a keen member during the late 70s - early 80s and recorded runs and social events. At a recent reunion he passed on a CD containing scans of his old negatives, some of which are beginning to deteriorate with age or, more likely, alcohol. However most of the culprits are still recognisable and their misdemeanours will not go unpunished.

Bradgate Park pictures from Gary Cox

Taken at Bradgate Park. Bad enough when riding but when they dismount and walk the term 'RABBLE' is flattery.

I don't know all the names here. Front row, left to right are Steve Todd, Ann Lockwood-Lee, Alan Reid, Jane Reid, Paul Lockwood-Lee.

Bradgate Park pictures from Gary Cox

A howling pack of dingos chased their prey up a tree.

Among the cast of dingos are Haydn Wyatt, Daz Mauger, Andy Wagg and Martin Needham. Know any others?

Bradgate Park pictures from Gary Cox

This one was too small to eat so they threw her back up the tree.

Terry Reynolds and Andy Wagg watch Christine Gunn being torn to shreds.

London Run from Gary Cox

Taken on the club run to London this picture shows convicts at Greenwich Wharf awaiting transportation, or maybe the pub to open.

Some escaped and made it back to the club room.

London Run from Gary Cox

Another unusual pose for club members. Sitting inside a pub rather than a) Stoned under the table or b) Ejected by the landlord.

If you know anyone on this picture, finger them for the usual reward.

London Run from Gary Cox

Another pub, slightly more blurred but the same activities. Eating, drinking, slurred jokes and jokey slurs.

It took some time to get round all the London pubs.

Toy Disco from Gary Cox

Either a police line-up to identify who mugged Santa or some game at the Toy Disco.

Fancy Dress from Gary Cox

We are trying to pass this one off as a Fancy Dress Party. No-one will admit that is how they always dressed when not on a motorcycle.

There are lots more pictures from Gay Cox and they will be added to the site. Some Blackpool photos are on the Blackpool Club Runs page